Folding bike enthusiasts were so excited with the launch of the Helix as it was promised to be the world’s best folding bike without breaking the bank. I didn’t back the Kickstarter project but I’d love purchase one right now at full price. There are a lot of promising features like the titanium frame, bigger wheels, and a small folded size that could fit in a suitcase. However, I’m so disappointed as the release date kept being delayed.
The Helix was planned to accept preorders in August 2016 and start delivering to customers in the late summer. However, they announced some schedule changes in the most recent update. Due to the shortage of components and changes during the research and development phase, they have to push the dates 3 months back. Specifically, they will accept preorders in November 1st and deliver in Spring 2017. Kickstarter orders will be delivered sooner in late October 2016.
Update: Finally, the first backers started receiving their bikes in May 2019. However, the production is really slow and other backers might have to wait a few more months or even years for their deliveries.
Following are the pre-order prices:
- Single-speed Helix: 1500 USD
- 10-speed Helix: 1600 USD
- 11-speed Shimano Alfine model: $1900

Some notable changes of the Helix bike include the proprietary hub, new rear dropouts, an all round tube structure, a bulge in the seat tube, a bushing-pin interface on the swingarm latch, an improved helical hinge, and the brushed finish.
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I’ve given up on the Helix bike. I have created new priorities, spending my money on a so called premium bike that weighs in at less than 20lbs. that has pushed back its release dates is no longer attractive. Good luck to the individuals wanting this toy.
Me too, absolutely ridiculous. Who is running this project? I hate how they have shared so little info as well with the many people waiting that supported them. Very few posts and all they talk about is upgraded components. How long will this on for? Time to refund money and move on to something that can be done in my opinion.
So glad I didn’t back this kickstarter. I would be pretty nervous about my money as they continue to push the date back. I contacted them to see if I could test ride one of their prototypes before backing the kickstarter, and they said that I would have to wait until the bikes are released. I have serious doubts about doing business with a company that would sell you a bike without allowing you to test drive it.
That’s crazy. Would a car dealer make money if they refused to let customers test drive the cars? I keep trying to research this brand and only get a bit more suspicious about whether they’re serious about this project. I’ll skip them and go to another brand.
you havent used kick starter have you
kickstarter is to kickstart a company. its not a try before you buy be patient and wait for the release to see reviews
I stopped supporting ALL kickstarter projects. I got screwed with the so called “Wave eBike”
They got the worst customer service, crappy email replies. As it turned out, this was a knock off bike made in China. The guys were full of “!@@#$” I will pay for a product that’s already on the market, and with FULL manufacturer’s support. Learned my lesson!!!
Helix is taking way too long. After seeing the delivery date extend the first time , I decided to not put in my order and send money. SOooooooo Glad I didn’t send them money. Now I’m waiting for the me too bike.
Let’s see the price when/if it finally comes out…. I bet $2500 for the base model.
It’s so hard to bring a product like this to market…
Spot on!
I know the difficulties of engineering a new product, & bringing it to market. Considering that this is a new company with no manufacturing experience, I expected delivery dates to slip. So I’m not disappointed. If it arrives this year, I’ll be impressed.
The development of a unique complex folding bike can take significant gestational time. Read the story of the evolution of the Bromton bike for some insight into this type of effort. The long delays for the Helix have occurred with periodic updates of their real progress. As an angel investor in other endeavors, I understand that product development is not a smooth linear predictable path toward the successful outcome. The Helix is no exception
Bye bye Helix.
Did it fail?
I support Helix Labs Inc. and give them the opportunity to complete their project to make the best bikes.
I love the bike model, how to fold and the titanium pipe material they use.
Good luck.
I’m planning on owning this bike.
Patience folks, I’ve been waiting since last March. The Helix Team does give updates, rarely, I admit, but I believe they are sincere in endeavoring to provide what they call the “world’s best folding bike”. They are creating a brand new design in a folding bike, new robotic computer controlled inert gas welding system. Tools have to be designed and programmed precisely to meet their exacting standards.
When they deliver, latest date is April 2018, you will be proud to own this very unique folding bike!
It’s now May 2018. Does anyone have a bike yet?
Around the beginning of 2018, Helix said they would post a delivery schedule “next week.” Right – it’s now May 2018. Since the kick start, it’s mostly photo-shopped updates on how they’re progressing, with bonus parts and accessories. All that money taken from the kick start and pre-orders continues to fold into nothing.
I talked to the GM at length by phone a couple of years ago. I thought his retail price was way too low for the material and quality, and necessarily smaller quantities. My offer to help build the Helix was declined. Repeated delays is not surprising for an ambitious project like this, especially for a Canadian start up with little manufacturing experience. I wish their best! and supporters!
Why would you want to? People might buy more Helixes and less Dahons.
Of course he decline. I don’t think he has any intention to manufacture. It’s a scam.
Sometime in 2017, Helix was releasing 2 week updates to both backers AND pre-order customers. Just recently (6-17-2018), was the first time Helix missed putting out an update. 3 weeks had already passed. This has been one of the most attractive Photoshop scams to both watch and laugh at.
Well David, their loss.
You could have been immeasurably helpful in so many ways.
Can you recommend any affordable bikes for back issues.?
Looks great. I suggest they get a manager to run this. Clearly, the engineers have turned this into a gold plating project. Proper innovative processes should release early with an acceptable product, and then make iterative improvements for subsequent market release. Can you imagine where they would be now had they stuck with the original or simpler design? More knowledge, more capital, more buzz and an advanced marketing network. And they cccould carry on with engineering Mark 2, Mark 3…
I’m a backer of Helix. I’m quite happy with the way things are being done. I’d choose waiting two years for a perfect bike over being annoyed over a flawed mk.1 any day. I’m excited!
I’m an original investor. Very mixed feelings about Helix at this point. Now just hoping the bike will be delivered in good running form before I’m too old to use it.
I’m an original investor, too. Just googling how I might find out the newest about what’s happening with Helix’s production.
Kirsten, as a backer of you log in to the site you should have access to all updates and the backer forum which is a hoot 🙂
Hi Richard, are you interested to sell your pledge for the Helix bike? If you are keen, I could take over the pledge with a reasonable price and may I have the details? Cheers
Pretty sure this is a no go project. I wanted to get one but it sure looks like a dead horse. Oh well im only out the time feel sorry for the folks who forked over cash.
Far from it. The project looks like it is approaching a positive conclusion in the near future.
Just look at Budnitz brand; inferior silly looking beach cruiser executed in titanium, absolute nill 0 as zero manufacturing ability barely any knowledge but the smart choice of established manufacturers, clever marketing, the exorbitant price of about $3500.00 for what, but it is there selling.
I so wanted this project to work. Can anyone give me a reason why I shouldn’t walk away? After my bike was stolen – the one I bought after the first year of Helix broken promises – I need wheels!!……. the fact that the current Helix website STILL states: “ORDERS FOR HELIX WILL RESUME SPRING 2018” makes me think they’ve taken the money and ran….
The public site has just been updated with retail pricing and orders will commence in spring 19. There are still occasionally backers selling their positions also. See the thread on bikeforums for news.
I backed the KickStarter project
Mine’s shipping in April 2019…completed the check out process just now.
As the campaigner mentioned, the first bike will be delivered first week of February. There will be a big announcement on the release date, not sure though if some news website will post it or there is a review coming.
Bikes began shipping last Friday.
Here we are in May 2019 and the website is infrequently updated. No idea how many have actually shipped.
People who think it isn’t real. Youtube has people who have received their bike. It looks even better then what they showed in the original video!
How can i buy it?
You rather don’t consider buying it. Because it does not exist. This is a scam and you’ll never get your bike. I am waiting for it since 2015.
my bike was stolen and I am searching a trusted brand to get a suitable folding bike, I like Helix , I like Gi Flybike, I like Weelin .. very smart bikes but all the reviews and comments about this beautiful products tells: they straggeld to deliver it. It’s disappointing and frightening to spend any money for not delivered product.
This bike, if the price can be maintained will wipe all other folding bikes out – or at least get them to up their game. Missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, but will jump in as soon as ordering resumes: I have many adventures where such a bike would be very useful. Great to see high quality engineering in practice and available for meer mortals.
I was a backer and sold my share. Just enough bikes to fuel another round of buyers who will wait for years for the product. It’s a just a custom bike shop at most, a scam at worst. Look at the videos of the bikes that were delivered – not even close the the simplicity of Brompton.
Just got my Helix bike yesterday, Serial #175 in order sequence via my original KICKSTARTER funding. Very impressed with the compact fold and the general details of a quality construction. I did/have waited over 3 YEARS for this delivery. Patience (and HOPE) are always positive virtues, and this time such paid off!
I have ordered the Helix back in 2015 and it was never delivered. Peter always promised it will ship during “the next months” and gave me such silly answers like “I understand your frustration. The delays have been very painful. The only thing I can say is that the time this took resulted in an amazing bike.” blabla.
I have asked him several times to give me a refund. No chance.
This is one of the largest SCAMS on Kickstarter! Don’t waste your money on a bike that will never show up!
The supporters who have already been delivered appeared.
Don’t talk unfounded.
Watched from a distance, got an email offering the chance to order at the end of October, placed an order and got my bike just after Xmas! delighted with it, just need some accessories, will i have to wait a while for bags panniers etc?
The only hiccup was with Fedex and the need to pay uk VAT
Peter is an absolute scam artist. What a despicable human being. I have no idea how he sleeps at night.
He is never transparent with his backers and lies constantly about his deadlines. There are no photos of prior teams because he must have driven them all away.
Good luck ducks I am getting the hell out of Dodge, selling my pledge and wiping my hands clean of this awful experience of being lied to for YEARS. People have died waiting for this bike.
Any idea when I may receive my bike from an order a few years ago.
Sitting with my 75 year old parents and they are telling me they ordered these bikes in 2015 and they STILL haven’t arrived. They are now literally wondering whether they’ll ever get their bikes before they DIE. Class action anyone?
Hello Helix Owners (or those waiting for deliveries)!
I am looking for a Helix and don’t mind waiting. So I would not mind to take over your order in the queue with a reasonable price, if you decided for whatever reasons to give up.
P/S: Adrienne, how many units did your old folks ordered?
I am looking to purchase a Helix bike , any speed will fine , used or brand new is ok.
And willing to pay extra money.
Any one want sell it , email me .
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
I want to sell my Helix 10 speed. If you are still interested, pm me.
Hi, may I know where is your location. And how much do you want to sell it?
Wow looks like the bike is not going to be on the market.any time sooner. Correct me if I’m wrong
If anyone wants to sell their bike, please email me. Thanks!
I am looking for someone who wants to sell their helix. I am only interested in single speed.
Hi, please email me if anyone wants to sell the their Helix bike? thanks!!
2990$ now for the single speed now on the website, 3690$ for the Alfine version.
Was just looking how it turned out – but compared to other big sized folding bikes like montague the prices are out of the questions. You can get the Allston (Alfine, Gates etc.) für 2200$ – the prices need to somehow compare to be considerably acceptable. Even though its titan, different folding mechanism – but that doesn’t justify a 1400$ price difference to comparable folders.
As one of the original Kickstarter backers, I feel compelled to share my experience of dealing with Helix.
Peter never shared any information and always fobbed off any backers who expressed anxiety about the extremely drawn-out time period they took to start delivering bikes to backers.
When they did begin to ship bikes, many backers tried to get a response about where their bike was as they hadn’t received it.
When they shipped my bike to me, there was no communication, not even a shipping notification from FedEx. When I found out it had been shipped, it was too late and the bike had been returned to Helix in Canada. I’d moved house twice since I backed the project. When I checked their system to see what the status was, it said it hadn’t even been built yet.
I’ve been trying to get them to ship the bike to me ever since then and all they keep trying to do is give me my original pledge money back.
This is a fraction of what they’re selling the bike for now.
This isn’t the issue. My biggest concern is that they’re a nasty bunch of liars and they’re doing everything possible to ditch the very people who funded their shady business.
I’m now faced with the option of suing them as they’re so obstructive and refuse to do anything to ensure I receive my bike.
If this is how they treat their backers, I wonder how they’ll deal with individual customers. The way they behave has soured the bike for a lot of people to the point where they want nothing to do with the machine. I personally recommend Airnimal and their products. They’re the polar opposite when it comes to customer care. The experience is owning the Airnimal Joey has been a joy. The experience of dealing with Helix has been gut-wrenching and surreal.
There is a lot of negativity here to the team. Yes, they were poor communicators and could have done things better. But Kickstarter=Risk…
When I withdrew I received a refund in a timely manner. So on balance I think that they did OK.