If you have just bought a bicycle and don’t feel comfortable riding it after a few weeks, the first thing you should consider is changing the saddle. Saddle fit is the most important factor contributing to the comfort because that’s where our body contacts with the bike. There is no perfect saddle for every biker because it depends on their body, riding position, bike type, and road type.
Consumers might get confused when looking for a saddle because they come in a variety of shape, size, style, and price. The Bikally BS01 is a cushioning saddle and it is so different to standard saddle coming with your bikes. Unlike performance saddles, the Bikally features a very wide and thick design with high-density foam padding and springs underneath which are useful in absorbing bumps when riding on uneven roads.
As compared to the saddle of my Dahon, the BS01 is significantly larger; the top surface measures 11.02″x9.84″. Inside the box, we have the saddle and all the tool required to set it up. The saddle can fit seatposts with or without cradles. I just installed the cradle rails to my Dahon bike and it took less than 1 minute. If your seatpost doesn’t have the cradle, you can use the included seat clamp to install the saddle.
Another nice touch is that there is a wide rear reflector on the back of the saddle. Therefore, you totally can remove the bulky reflector on your bike to make the design look cleaner. Besides, the saddle cover is made of microfiber synthetic leather which is wear-resistant and waterproof while the steel frame is corrosion-resistant, so you shouldn’t worry much when using it under the rain; Just wipe it with dry cloth and everything will look great like new.
Since the padding is made of high-density foam which is firm and doesn’t compact as quickly as softer foam. Therefore, the saddle is more durable even for tall and heavy cyclists. The design is obviously not optimized for road cyclists with aggressive riding positions, however, it is more suitable for short-duration rides.
Overall, the Bikally BS01 is a perfect comfort saddle for recreational cycling and cruising. I often use it when cycling with my family, it helps me sit in a relaxed position, look out for my kids and explore surroundings. At this time, it is available on Amazon for less than $30.
Buy Bikally BS01 Bike Saddle on Amazon
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